Make Hydrogen Happen™️
About us

We are on a mission to expand fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) use and by relation hydrogen to a much larger audience of potential customers.  Our goal is to reach the millions of non-garage owners in the U.S. for whom battery-electric vehicles are inconvenient or impractical.  HyMAX believes over the next 20 years that 10-15% of the car market in America (~40 million vehicles) could migrate to FCEV if cost, fuel distribution, and filling infrastructure were stabilized and became more widely available.

HyMAX is a startup focused on developing a hydrogen fuel cell filling network to accelerate the adoption of zero-emissions options for everyone, not just the wealthy.  Fuel cell electric vehicles are EVs, but unlike “battery-electric” EVs which must be plugged in to charge the battery, the electricity used by FCEVs is created using hydrogen.

For MILLIONS of Americans, all-electric EV charging is either impractical, inconvenient, or entirely unavailable.   With a nationwide network of hydrogen fuel cell filling stations, FCEVs will be an alternative for passenger vehicles, light- and heavy-duty trucks, along with delivering opportunities to operate public transit systems more economically.

Hydrogen is sustainable and can be developed from ammonia-based sources, generated from water by electrolysis, or even harvested directly from the environment.  After being used, the only exhaust is water – which can start the cycle over again.

Gasoline prices will continue rising! It is critical to develop sustainable options NOW.

As with electric vehicles (EV), hydrogen as a fuel for consumers will take time to become as common as filling up at the corner gas station.  Even in California where it has been around for over a decade it has not expanded substantially.  In order to reach the exhaust reduction goals set by the US and entities around the globe, we need to supercharge not only EV adoption (for those who want it) but also hydrogen for those unable to take advantage of EV.

Electric vehicles (EV) have changed the way consumers think about zero-emissions options.

Hydrogen fueling will push this even further with…
  • the convenience of fueling like petrol/gasoline (it takes ~4-5 minutes to fill up)
  • the power and responsiveness of an EV
  • and most importantly…hydrogen simply is more sustainable over the long run.
what is hymax?

Hydrogen is the future

HyMAX is a STARTUP with a mission to develop retail hydrogen fueling stations.


Start in Nevada!

Because California, Nevada’s western neighbor, is currently the only state where retail hydrogen fueling is available.  This makes Nevada ideal as the first expansion step and has a burgeoning hydrogen production ecosystem.  This pathway also will support the thousands of California’s HFCV owners want to drive to Sin City.  This will also open a secondary resale market.

But to MAKE HYDROGEN HAPPEN, we must keep growing and expanding!  So the plan has to be to extend further, thus…


Advance to Arizona and Oregon.

Then Washington, Utah, and Idaho.

Then onto Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico.

Starting to see a pattern yet?

This won’t be easy!

California retail hydrogen has taken nearly 15 years to get to where it is currently so not neat or easy.

But, it has to happen, which is what will bring HyMAX to Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

And on and on until there is coast-to-coast hydrogen fueling sitting next to EV charging stations at highway rest-stops and corner stations everywhere.

It has been twenty years and universal electric vehicle charging is still not everywhere so hydrogen will definitely take time.  But waiting until there is no oil left will be too late!

Hydrogen is a more open fueling option

There is a greater purpose for this mission to develop and expand retail/consumer-based hydrogen as vehicle fuel:  It does not look like anyone else will do it for any of us not living in California!  The US federal government has structured almost all of its efforts on hydrogen on light- and heavy-duty trucks.  Take a look at the US National Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Roadmap.
Strikingly, without saying it, the federal government is resigning climate change as far as consumer vehicles to an EV-only option.  This leaves out forty million Americans who won’t or can’t go EV.  Unfortunately, for many, EVs are not practical.
Production options for hydrogen are vast.  No longer does energy have to be shipped around the world. 
Regions and states can decide on the best-fit sizing options for production facilities.  Hydrogen can even be used as sources of power to the energy grid making it a versatile option.
Hydrogen must be developed nationwide as a fueling source for both personal vehicles and for commercial trucks along with alternative mechanisms to power all of our daily lives for generations to come.